In Conversation: Laurie Green

Part of what we do involves asking lots of questions of our candidates, so we thought it only fair that you get to know us a little better.  Here, Laurie Green, our Online Community Manager, shares a little about her life outside of work, her technological history and passes on some advice for job hunters.

TrainStationWhat is your earliest recollection of technology?
It would probably be related to trains. I can still hear and smell them when I think about dropping my dad off at the station every morning. For a long time, I thought that he worked on them.

What are your hobbies outside of work?
Gardening and cooking.

If you could have lunch with one person, who would it be?
Reshma Saujani, Founder of Girls Who Code, a non-profit organization dedicated to closing the gender gap in technology.

If you could have the equivalent of Google ‘20% time’ what would you spend it working on?
SEO is a beast that I don’t completely understand inside and out, I think that there are few people who do, as it is always changing.  I’d love to have the time to research it and to become a master of it.

What piece of advice would you give to job hunters?
The adage about ‘first impressions matter’ is true. Put your best foot forward and research the company that you are interviewing at.  A few well-crafted questions will help you be remembered for being informed and interested in the role.

Want to tell us a little about yourself? Start a conversation by emailing or view our current opportunities.

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Laurie Green

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